15/10/2024 12:00
When you think of card games, you will probably think of popular games such as poker, blackjack or baccarat. Most of these games are played with the well-known French deck of cards, but did you know that there are other types of decks as well? Such as the German, Spanish, and Italian decks of cards. Each of these decks has a different structure and history that make playing them a unique experience.
In this blog, we dive into the world of different decks of cards and find out what adventures await you.
Deck of cards | Number of cards | Suits | Face cards |
French deck | 52 | Hearts, Diamonds, Clubs, Spades | Jack (J), Queen (Q), King (K), Ace |
German deck | 32 | Rot (hearts), Schellen (bells), Eiche (acorns), Laub/Grün (leaves) | Unter, Ober, König, Ace |
Spanish deck | 40 | Copas (cups), Oros (coins), Bastos (clubs), Espadas (swords) | Sota (jack), Caballo (horse), Rey (king) |
Italian deck | 40 | Coppe (cups), Denari(coins), Bastoni(batons), Spade(swords) | Fante (knave), Cavaliere (knight), Re (king) |
Let's start with the deck of cards that you have probably already used: the French deck. This deck of cards is most commonly used in casinos and at home during game nights.
It originated in the 15th century in France (as the name gives away) and soon spread throughout Europe. Its popularity came mainly because of the printing press, which made it possible to print playing cards easily. This made it possible for anyone to get and play them.
The French deck consists of 52 cards divided into four suits. These are hearts, diamonds, clubs and spades.
Within these four suits, you will find cards ranging from 2 through 10, and then there are what are known as face cards: jack (J), queen (Q) and king (K), plus the ace. In many games, such as poker and blackjack, the value of the cards is essential. For example, an ace can be worth 1 or 11 in blackjack, depending on how you want to use it.
You can play endless games with the French deck of cards, but at PepperMill Casino these three in particular are wildly popular:
Blackjack: try to get exactly or as close as possible to 21 with your cards. But if you go over, you're out.
Poker: a collective name for a series of card games. Here strategy, bluffing and a bit of luck come together to get the best hand.
Baccarat: a game of chance where you bet on who has the best hand: you or the bank. Whoever comes closest to 9 wins.
There are many options with the French deck. The simple structure makes it accessible, but the many possibilities in games ensure that it never gets boring.
The German deck of cards has been around since the 14th century and has its own charming style. It never became as well known as its French variant, but it still remains popular in countries such as Germany and Austria.
Whereas the French deck has 52 cards, the German deck consists of only 32 cards. This is because it lacks cards 2 through 6, which makes the game faster.
Instead of hearts, spades, clubs and diamonds, the German deck of cards has four other colors:
Rot (hearts): this remains the same as in the French deck.
Schellen (bells): instead of diamonds you see a kind of bell shape.
Eichel (acorn): in Germany clubs are often called acorns.
Laub/Grün (leaves): a green color representing leaves instead of spades.
The deck contains cards from 7 through 10, and in addition there are three face cards: Unter (the jack), Ober (a higher figure than the Unter) and the König (king). The ace is also present here, of course, and often has a special role in the games.
Although you won't find this deck of cards in every online casino, there are a few classic games played with it:
Skat: this is perhaps the best-known game using German cards. It is a three-player strategic game that requires quite a bit of tactics.
Schafkopf: another popular game in Germany, especially in Bavaria. It is played with four players and is all about winning battles.
With fewer cards than in the French deck, the German deck is faster and often focuses more on strategy than pure luck. This makes it an exciting alternative for those who want to try something different.
The Spanish deck of cards has a very different structure from what we are used to. The deck of cards is called Baraja Española in Spanish and has been popular there for centuries. It has had a huge influence on Latin America, where it is still widely played today.
The Spanish deck of cards consists of 40 cards, which immediately makes it unique. There are no 8s and 9s, which changes the dynamics of the game.
The four suits in the Spanish deck of cards are completely different:
Copas (cups): cups often associated with festive celebrations.
Oros (coins): gold coins, often a symbol of wealth.
Bastos (clubs): wooden clubs that refer to the work and struggles of the common people.
Espadas (swords): these cards have images of sharp swords, symbolizing power.
Each suit has cards from 1 to 7, and then three figures. The three figures are sota (farmer in English), caballo (horse in English) and rey (King in English). Interestingly, the Spanish cards are often richly decorated, with lots of color and detail. This makes the deck extra fun to look at.
In online casinos you will occasionally come across Spanish card games such as:
Mus: This is a popular game in Spain where bluffing plays a big role. It is usually played in teams of two.
Brisca: another simple but tactical game, in which you have to score points by winning strokes.
The colorful Spanish deck of cards has a cheerful look, and the unique set of cards makes the deck feel really different from the French or German deck.
Italy also has its own kind of deck that is very similar to the Spanish, but with its own flair. Like the Spanish deck, the Italian deck of cards consists of 40 cards and uses the same numbers and face cards. The images and names used do differ, however.
The four suits in the Italian deck are:
Coppe (cups): these cups are often beautifully illustrated and symbolize abundance.
Denari (coins): similar to the Spanish one, but the illustrations are often more detailed.
Bastoni (clubs): these wooden clubs are a symbol of power and battle.
Spade (swords): a more detailed version of the sword in the Spanish deck of cards.
The cards go from 1 to 7, and the face cards are the fante (knave), cavaliere (knight), and re (king). The beauty of this deck is that each region in Italy often has its own style and variations, giving the deck a cultural touch.
A few Italian classics you might encounter in casinos are:
Scopa: a traditional Italian game where you score points by sweeping cards off the table. It is easy to learn yet strategic.
Briscola: very similar to the Spanish Brisca and is all about winning battles. It is fast-paced and action-packed.
The Italian cards exude tradition and culture. This makes them perfect for those who love historical games with an artistic edge.
Whether you go for the better-known French deck of cards or take a trip to the lesser-known German, Spanish or Italian variants, each deck has something unique. From the fast-paced, strategic games of the German deck of cards to the colorful traditions of the Spanish and Italian games, there is something for everyone. So the next time you play at an online casino, try out a different card game and discover a new world of fun!
Shuffle those cards and play!