29/05/2024 18:00
While playing your favorite games, it is very important to keep always playing responsibly. One of the tools created to protect players is the EPIS list.
Playing games of chance can involve personal risks for a small group of people. Having control over your behavior is important for gambling wisely. If you sometimes feel that you lose control when gambling, it may be wise to apply for a general ban on gambling. In this case, you can register yourself on the EPIS list.
Before we explain exactly what happens, it is good to know the consequences of being on the EPIS list. The system exists since 2004 and recently celebrated its 20th anniversary.
When you enter a casino, gaming hall or even betting shop, the provider must check if you are on the EPIS list before giving you access. EPIS is updated and maintained by the Gaming Commission.
You can think of it as a general break. That is, you can no longer participate in games of chance online or offline. Of course, you can end up on the list for various reasons. People who sign up voluntarily, people who were banned by the courts or by people close to them, as well as people who are on it because of their profession.
You can easily apply through the website of the gaming commission. There you get the choice of submitting an electronic form that can be easily signed with ItsMe or simply through the traditional way where you fill out and sign a similar form. You will have to add a copy of both sides of your identity card and send it by mail.
Depending on how you got on the list, you can remove yourself from it. Again, you can send a letter to the gaming commission with your signature with a copy of both sides of your ID. 3 months after the Gaming Commission has received your letter, you will be able to regain access to online and offline providers.